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A Favorite Guilty Pleasure

A Favorite Guilty Pleasure

As y’all know, Valentine’s Day was this week. I was planning on posting a list of my favorite romantic movies in celebration. However, on Monday Josh informed me of something I was somehow unaware of, and it completely changed my plans. Wanna know what he 

Six Reasons You (Yes, YOU!) Should Go on a Girls’ Trip

Six Reasons You (Yes, YOU!) Should Go on a Girls’ Trip

The winter doldrums have definitely set in. If you, too, suffer from seasonal depression, then you get it. The fun and excitement of the holidays are over, and I’m worn out from the festivities and dealing with my kids’ frequent sicknesses. I’m never a cold 

The Top 23 Gifts I Received in 2022

The Top 23 Gifts I Received in 2022

It’s 2023! Last year at this time, I was looking forward to the new year. Lincoln was coming up on finishing his chemo treatment, and I felt like that would free up more time for me to focus on myself. I was right! However, I never would have guessed just how important the year 2022 would be in my life arc.

I had grand plans for the year, sure. But did I really believe I’d accomplish my goals? Nah. Not really. I didn’t believe in myself. That’s the truth of it. I believed the limiting beliefs and lies I’d told myself for a very, very long time—some of them for practically my whole life.

I wanted to write more, but I didn’t believe I was a “good enough” writer to ever get published. I wanted to lose weight, but I was overwhelmed by the hard work I believed it would take. I wanted to make my home more organized, but I couldn’t stop thinking about all of the other times I’d had the same goal and fallen short of my own expectations.

Then something truly life-changing happened: I reconnected with an old friend from high school (Robyn Whitworth), and I took a leap of faith. I signed up for her to be my Life Coach in March. Even though I was cautiously optimistic that she could help me improve, I never imagined just how much she would change my life!

Y’all know that I love to read. I’d already read a lot of what I talk about with Robyn; self-help books constitute a good portion of the books I read each year. However, the things I’d read before never “clicked” like they did this past year with Robyn. Knowing things and actually following through on them are sometimes very different things. With Robyn’s help, though, I’ve been able to prioritize my big goals, consistently work toward them, and be proud of my progress. That’s just the tip of the iceberg, though.

As I begin this new year of 2023, I want to share with you 23 of my very favorite gifts that I received in 2022. Many of these gifts were ones I worked on and gave to myself! I love the knowledge that I’ve gained about my own power and potential to change and improve my own life—regardless of the circumstances I’m handed. Without further ado…

The Top 23 Gifts I Received in 2022

  1. Lincoln finished his chemotherapy treatment!!!!
  2. I witnessed Lincoln take his very first unassisted steps!
  3. I was diagnosed with ADHD (Inattentive type) and started taking medication for it.
  4. We went on a beachside retreat to St. Simons Island, Georgia with other childhood cancer families.
  5. I went to my first Elevated Mother Experience (EMX) retreat with my Life Coach and some of her other clients.
  6. I went to my first Utah childhood cancer moms retreat.
  7. We went on Link’s Make-a-Wish trip to Disney World and Universal Studios!
  8. I started my blog!
  9. I’ve developed a much more consistent writing habit.
  10. I’ve been interviewed for several podcasts.
  11. I’ve lost 25 pounds!
  12. I started doing yoga (and am loving it).
  13. I’ve succeeded in getting rid of a lot of clutter.
  14. I’m more mindful.
  15. I’m kinder to myself.
  16. I overthink less.
  17. I worry less about what other people think.
  18. I’m more productive.
  19. I believe in myself more.
  20. Josh and I have more regular date nights.
  21. I learned how to change my limiting beliefs and practiced doing it.
  22. I had more prayers answered than I could ever count.
  23. I’m happier than I’ve been for a long time!!!!

Was 2022 perfect? Definitely not. No year (or month or week) ever is. In fact, as I finish writing this, both of my boys are getting over RSV, I’m SO ready for them to go back to school because I need a break, and, frankly, I’ve been feeling a bit picked on because of how often they’ve been sick over the past few months. However, last year will still go down in my memory as a major turning point in my life.

Do you want 2023 to be a turning point in your life? It can be. I know it’s cliché, and everyone jokes about New Year’s Resolutions, but this is the perfect time for you to set some goals, believe in yourself, and start creating the life you really want. Dream BIG!!

“The best time to start was yesterday; the next best time is now.”

~Author Unknown
How I Planned My Ideal Christmas Season

How I Planned My Ideal Christmas Season

I have always loved Christmas. Unlike many people, I’ve ALWAYS looked forward to it. The lights, the decorations, the music, the movies, the family time, the traditions, the spirit of giving—it all warms my heart. (Notice that I did not list snow as something I 

Lincoln’s Make-a-Wish Trip to Orlando, Florida

Lincoln’s Make-a-Wish Trip to Orlando, Florida

We got back from Lincoln’s Make-a-Wish trip late on November 22nd, and we’re still on a high from it. The trip was amazing, and we will cherish the memories we made there forever. They automatically included so much on the wish trip. I’m blown away 

A Long Summary of My Infertility Journey

A Long Summary of My Infertility Journey

The picture we posted on Facebook to announce we were expecting (72 days—NOT 185 days—before I had our boys)

It’s now been over six years since we announced that we were expecting our twins. I had been waiting for that moment for years—most of my life, actually. I’d always wanted to be a mom. I loved little kids—in small groups, at least. (There’s a reason I became a secondary ed. teacher, not an elementary teacher. 😉) I grew up babysitting. I even continued to babysit for some of my college professors after I got married. 

Josh and I knew we wanted to have kids. Before we started trying, though, we wanted it to be just the two of us for several years. We wanted to simply enjoy being together, and I wanted to finish college. So we waited. I never thought that it might be difficult for me to get pregnant. Both Josh and I come from “Fertile Myrtle” families. There are five kids in my family and six kids in Josh’s. Both of my sisters and both of Josh’s sisters were all able to get pregnant easily. I didn’t have endometriosis or any other health concerns. I was young. (We got married when I was 20.) So I naively thought I’d get pregnant very quickly after we started trying.

In fact, at the beginning of our marriage I wanted to bask in the freedom of being childless so much that I was vigilant about birth control. I also tried to avoid holding babies because I didn’t want to get baby hungry. 😂 It turned out, though, that I was the “1” in the “1 in 8 women struggle with infertility” statistic. 

Josh and I started trying to get pregnant after we’d been married for five years. Since I was a teacher, we planned it so I would hopefully be due during the summer. (How funny that I thought we could plan…)

As time ticked by with no positive pregnancy tests, we started to get a bit worried. One of my sisters-in-law had struggled with infertility, so through her experience I knew that most fertility specialists wouldn’t take you until you’d been trying to conceive for at least a year. I took good notes and scheduled an appointment as soon as I could. Even though we’d been trying unsuccessfully for a year, I was fairly certain that, with a specialist’s help, it wouldn’t take us much longer. Once again, I was wrong.

It ended up taking us five years of TTC (trying to conceive—oh, the amount of medical-related acronyms my little brain holds…). We worked with two different specialists and had three unsuccessful IUIs (Intrauterine Inseminations) before we finally got a positive pregnancy test with our fourth and final IUI attempt. If that last attempt hadn’t worked, we would have moved on to IVF (In Vitro Fertilization). Luckily, we didn’t have to.

That positive pregnancy test is the only one I’ve ever held in my hands. Actually…that’s technically not true. Here’s a funny story for ya:

After each IUI, you have to wait two weeks before testing to see if it worked. If you’ve ever been in the infertility world, you know that this period is known as the “Two Week Wait” (TWW), and it can be AGONIZING. I consider myself a pretty patient person, but after our fourth IUI, I couldn’t wait the full two weeks. The first missed day of my period was on about day 11 or 12 post-IUI. I’m usually fairly regular, so my anticipation of thinking I might be pregnant got to me, and I took a home pregnancy test. 

To be honest, at that point I wasn’t expecting the test to say I was pregnant. I was pretty jaded by that point, and it was just easier to not get my hopes up anymore after having them dashed month after month, year after year. Sure enough, the test came back negative. I threw it in the trash, upset but not surprised. I was mad at my body and frustrated with God, and I was ready to take a break from fertility treatments to recover mentally before moving on to IVF. But here’s the thing…

I WAS pregnant! I’d just taken the test early enough that I couldn’t see the second, incredibly faint line. After moving through life slightly moodily for a few days and still not getting my period, I decided to take another pregnancy test. It showed what we all now know: I was pregnant for the first time ever, after five years of trying, at the age of 31. Curious, I dug through our trash to find the pregnancy test I’d taken earlier. Sure enough, this time I could see the faint second line. 😂🤦

I’m going to go off on a tangent here before going back to the main story. I KNOW 31 is not old at all. Let me give you a little lesson in Utah culture, though (in case you aren’t already aware). Most people know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the dominant religion in Utah. Yes, I’m a member. I truly love my religion. I do not, however, love a lot of things about my religion’s/state’s culture.

The LDS church places a huge emphasis on family. We believe in life after death and the ability to live eternally with your family. It’s beautiful. And yet…sometimes it can make people on the outskirts of a “traditional” family feel isolated. 

People tend to marry young in Utah, and the cultural expectation has traditionally been that you “should” start having kids sooner rather than later. In fact, there can be an unspoken (or occasionally spoken) judgment placed on “older” couples who’ve “chosen” not to have kids yet. Luckily, some isolating cultural expectations like this one are starting to shift. I sometimes felt “othered” as we got older and still didn’t have kids, though. 

A couple’s heartbreak over yet another negative pregnancy test

Those years battling unexplained infertility were rough. It was of course difficult for both Josh and me, but I think it’s safe to say that in most cases, it’s just different for the woman. So much of the future I’d always envisioned revolved around me being a mom. Add in the additional expectations of Utah Mormons’ cultural norms, and it was downright brutal at times. It was difficult to go to church and hear lessons about eternal families when I wondered if I’d ever have my own children. It was difficult to be among other women sharing their childbirth stories while wondering if I’d ever be able to share my own.

Even though I knew it wasn’t true, it often felt like everyone around us was able to get pregnant easily. It felt like we were getting passed by in life. I often questioned why I wasn’t gifted with the righteous desires of my heart when I’d checked all the boxes of being a “good girl” my whole life. I wanted to be happy for my friends and family as they announced their pregnancies, but it was far from easy.

I made friends and connected with other women who struggled with infertility along the way. It was always nice being able to talk to those who “got it”—I guess because misery loves company…?? I’ve always been pretty good at pasting on a happy face, but I also threw myself some pretty big pity parties internally. Being able to vent to women I knew wouldn’t judge me made things less lonely.

Needless to say, I was shocked and elated when my pregnancy test(s) finally came back positive. It was surreal. It was so outside what we’d come to expect, in fact, that Josh asked me, “Really?!” or “Are you sure?” at LEAST three or four times before he believed me. Then a blood test with our fertility specialist confirmed it, and we allowed ourselves to truly feel excited. When I had my first ultrasound a bit later, we found out we were expecting TWINS!! The rest, as they say, is history.

When I told the other women I was working with in the Young Women’s program of our ward that I was expecting, they let me in on a little secret. It turns out that sometime when I hadn’t been at church, they’d asked the young women to fast for Josh and me, telling them to ask for our Heavenly Father’s help in blessing us with children. The thought of these beautiful young women (all between the ages of 12 and 18) fasting for us to have children—and, in turn, me being able to get pregnant a short time later—still fills my heart with gratitude and my eyes with tears. 

They weren’t the only ones who’d been fasting and praying for us, either. We had a whole tribe of family and friends who’d been pleading with God on our behalf. I am overcome with joy whenever I think of the many, many people who have prayed for us throughout the years.

Going through tough trials stays with you, though. Anyone who’s walked the infertility road knows that your thoughts around pregnancy and having children is forever changed. It’s impossible to take your kids for granted when you’ve fought so hard to get them earthside. Does this mean it makes parenting easy? HELL NO!!! It does, however, make it easier for me to reel in my frustrations and remember this quote:

“I still remember the days I prayed for the things I have now.”

We also learned that we need to consciously make an effort to create positive memories even when our hearts are tender. Josh and I definitely hadn’t imagined or wished for it to take us five years to get pregnant, but we’ll always be grateful for those extra years we shared together, just the two of us. We got to travel! We got to binge-watch whatever we wanted to, whenever we wanted to! We got to read in SILENCE! We got to strengthen our relationship without the added responsibilities of taking care of kids.

My heart continues to ache for all of the women who have ever struggled or continue to struggle with infertility. I still have survivor’s guilt over the fact that I was able to get pregnant and have children while many of the women I bonded with over infertility are still fighting to have babies. I have survivor’s guilt over the fact that I never experienced the heartache of a miscarriage. (I have survivor’s guilt over a lot of things, actually. I’ll probably do a blog post on it at some point.) 

Life isn’t fair, but I know without a shadow of a doubt that how we respond to our trials can either make things easier or harder. I know that, for me, our years of trying to conceive would have been much darker if we hadn’t chosen to trust and have faith in our Lord. I’m so glad those years are behind us, but I can now say that I’m grateful for the things we learned. (I definitely was NOT grateful for the trial while I was still in the midst of it. 😉)

It gets to be easy!

It gets to be easy!

This post is my permission to myself to sometimes write and post simple, short & sweet articles. As a recovering perfectionist, I often feel like I have to work on my articles for hours and hours, and they need to be amazing. Here’s the truth: 

Silver Linings in a Gold Month: Blessings We’ve Received Due to Link’s Cancer Diagnosis

Silver Linings in a Gold Month: Blessings We’ve Received Due to Link’s Cancer Diagnosis

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. I worked on a different blog post about childhood cancer for several weeks in September, but it was honestly really hard. I bounced around working on one blog post after another, trying to get up the motivation to complete 

Confessions of a Former Teacher

Confessions of a Former Teacher

About this same time every year since 2019, I’ve felt an overwhelming sense of relief. Why, you ask? Simple. I used to be a teacher—and I’m not anymore.

I knew I wanted to be an English teacher from about 6th grade on. My dad was a teacher. My great-grandpa was a teacher. Several of my aunts were/are teachers. One of my sisters and one of my brothers are teachers. I loved school all growing up, and becoming a teacher seemed like an obvious choice for me.

It is such a noble profession, and I respect the H*** out of teachers. For me, though? I was wrong to stubbornly cling to my original plans of becoming one. 

I love teaching itself. However, I hate many of the things that come along with it (e.g. classroom discipline, grading, unrealistic expectations, politics, parent complaints, never having enough time for a bathroom break, etc.). Teaching these days simply isn’t for me! 

I used to say that I wanted to be a teacher back in Anne of Green Gables’ times. (I’ve always longed to experience life as the characters from my favorite historical stories.) The last time I re-read the series, though, I realized that Anne complained about many of the same things I did. 😂 I guess teaching has never been easy.

While I was in college earning my teaching degree, I had several friends and family members who were teachers try to dissuade me from becoming one. At a minimum, they wanted me to REALLY think hard about it. I was determined, though. All the problems they complained to me about? They were other people’s problems. I was meant to be a teacher and could handle them. Oh, sweet, young, naive, Becca…

I don’t regret becoming a teacher. It taught me more than I could ever list and gave me experiences I wouldn’t have gained in any other way. I am especially grateful every single day for the lessons I learned that continue to help me navigate getting my boys the best education I can help provide. HOWEVER—and this is kind of hard to admit—I dreaded going to work as a teacher far more days than I looked forward to going.

Admittedly, part of that was because I was also struggling with depression. Even though I’ve struggled with anxiety/depression since college, I didn’t get on medication until almost the end of my third year teaching. Getting on Lexapro helped me immensely, but it didn’t magically remove all of the headaches that come with teaching.

Since I have anxiety, no matter how much I prepared, I was always worried I wasn’t prepared enough. In part because I have Attention Deficit Disorder (undiagnosed up until just earlier this year), I constantly had overflowing baskets of assignments, tests, essays, and projects that I needed to grade, enter, and hand back. I went to meeting after meeting and almost always left overwhelmed thinking, “How on earth am I going to be able to juggle that, too?!” I never felt like I was doing enough, yet I was still exhausted all the time.

I’m not saying that I hated every minute of teaching. Definitely not. There were those moments that *almost* made it all worth it. I loved making a difference. I loved watching my students get excited about and engaged in discussions about what we were reading. I loved witnessing reluctant readers tear through books I had recommended to them. I greatly admire the teachers who are able to focus on those bright patches and stay in the profession. I simply wasn’t one of them.

I enjoyed being a school librarian much more than being a teacher, but it still wasn’t my “calling”. I wasn’t excited to go to work every day—some days, yes, but definitely not every day. That’s why it ended up being a huge blessing when I decided I wouldn’t return to work for the 2019-2020 school year. It became an even bigger blessing in January 2020 when Lincoln was diagnosed with cancer. I can’t imagine having to go through his diagnosis and the subsequent 27 months of his treatment while also having to teach. I have friends who are doing it, though. They are true, unequivocal badasses.

So, yeah… I am really, really, REALLY grateful that I’m not a teacher anymore. I’m grateful that I get to stay home with my boys and watch them grow up before my eyes—even though, yes, they also drive me nuts some days. I’m also insanely happy that I can now fully enjoy the amazing fall.

For years I heard my mom say that fall was hands-down her favorite season. I agree with her now! Before, fall was tied to the end of my “carefree” summer days (teachers NEVER truly have the summer off completely). I’d get depressed around July 4th every year because that’s when stores started advertising and running their back-to-school sales. Now?! I’ve been smiling on the outside and on the inside as the start of school has approached.

Please be kind to your kids’ teachers. Cut them some slack. They have more on their plates than you will ever fully understand (unless, perhaps, you’ve been a teacher, too). Tell them thank you. Offer to volunteer. Bring them a Dirty Diet Coke (or their alternate favorite drink)! Take what your kids complain about with a grain of salt. And if you’re a teacher…? Let me know if you need a listening ear that just lets you vent or if you’re in dire need of a Dirty Diet Coke. I’ll do my very best to help lessen your load. You’re amazing! Thank you for everything you do.

Where to Eat on Saint Simons Island, Georgia

Where to Eat on Saint Simons Island, Georgia

Josh and I are foodies, pure and simple. We love scouting out new restaurants and satisfying our taste buds. It’s not always the best hobby for our waistlines, but that’s a drawback we’re willing to accept. Planning out where we want to eat while on