It gets to be easy!

It gets to be easy!

This post is my permission to myself to sometimes write and post simple, short & sweet articles. As a recovering perfectionist, I often feel like I have to work on my articles for hours and hours, and they need to be amazing. Here’s the truth: They don’t “have to” be anything! It’s my content; I get to decide what the content will be!

I recently got back from attending an INCREDIBLE retreat with my life coach and some of her other clients. All of us are in her Elevated Mother Experience together. We all knew each other via Facebook before, but now we’re all besties. 😊 I can’t even tell you how much I loved the retreat! I learned so much, and I felt like I was “high on life” for the whole two days.

I had so many “aha moments” while I was there. Among the MANY things we talked about, we discussed how we often place expectations on ourselves, others, events, etc. that can make our lives more difficult than they need to be. I know I’m guilty of this! I had/have ideas about what my blog posts need to be like when the reality is that they don’t have to follow any checklist! And when I vehemently stick to my internal checklist, it often leads me to feel overwhelmed, procrastinate, and finish tasks late or not at all. That’s my pattern. Please tell me I’m not the only one who falls into this trap! There’s a better, easier way, my friends.

Robyn (my life coach) also talked to us about how our language—the way we say things—greatly impacts us. She gave us several examples of slight shifts we can make in our sentences that can help with our mindset. For example, instead of starting a sentence with “I have to…”, we can start it by saying “I get to…” Obviously, as a writer, I’m a fan of words. They hold such power! It makes total sense to me that using different words in the way we talk about things can subtly change the meaning and feeling.

So this is my experiment to see if the world comes crumbling down if I shift some things. (Spoiler alert: I know it won’t.) I don’t “have to” post a blog article every week; I get to try to! And if I want to consistently do that, sometimes those articles get to be easy to write. I don’t have to stress about it being perfect. I don’t have to try to hit the ideal word count. I don’t have to worry about what others think. I just get to write and post what I feel like. What a novel idea. 😉

What are some things you overcomplicate? What’s something you could enjoy more this week if you think about how you “get to” do it?