Tag: Life coach

Give Yourself a Break!!! (A Summary of My Moms’ Weekend Out Retreat)

Give Yourself a Break!!! (A Summary of My Moms’ Weekend Out Retreat)

Ever *plan* on doing something simple and then take over a month to actually do it? Just me…all the time?! Lucky you. 😉 I can’t believe it’s already been over a month since I returned home from my “Moms’ Weekend Out” in St. George! At 

Taking Off My Mask: How Things Have REALLY Been Going

Taking Off My Mask: How Things Have REALLY Been Going

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” ~William Shakespeare The curtains open on two friends in their late thirties as they run into each other at the grocery store. JANE: “Oh, hi, Becca! I love following your family on 

The Top 23 Gifts I Received in 2022

The Top 23 Gifts I Received in 2022

It’s 2023! Last year at this time, I was looking forward to the new year. Lincoln was coming up on finishing his chemo treatment, and I felt like that would free up more time for me to focus on myself. I was right! However, I never would have guessed just how important the year 2022 would be in my life arc.

I had grand plans for the year, sure. But did I really believe I’d accomplish my goals? Nah. Not really. I didn’t believe in myself. That’s the truth of it. I believed the limiting beliefs and lies I’d told myself for a very, very long time—some of them for practically my whole life.

I wanted to write more, but I didn’t believe I was a “good enough” writer to ever get published. I wanted to lose weight, but I was overwhelmed by the hard work I believed it would take. I wanted to make my home more organized, but I couldn’t stop thinking about all of the other times I’d had the same goal and fallen short of my own expectations.

Then something truly life-changing happened: I reconnected with an old friend from high school (Robyn Whitworth), and I took a leap of faith. I signed up for her to be my Life Coach in March. Even though I was cautiously optimistic that she could help me improve, I never imagined just how much she would change my life!

Y’all know that I love to read. I’d already read a lot of what I talk about with Robyn; self-help books constitute a good portion of the books I read each year. However, the things I’d read before never “clicked” like they did this past year with Robyn. Knowing things and actually following through on them are sometimes very different things. With Robyn’s help, though, I’ve been able to prioritize my big goals, consistently work toward them, and be proud of my progress. That’s just the tip of the iceberg, though.

As I begin this new year of 2023, I want to share with you 23 of my very favorite gifts that I received in 2022. Many of these gifts were ones I worked on and gave to myself! I love the knowledge that I’ve gained about my own power and potential to change and improve my own life—regardless of the circumstances I’m handed. Without further ado…

The Top 23 Gifts I Received in 2022

  1. Lincoln finished his chemotherapy treatment!!!!
  2. I witnessed Lincoln take his very first unassisted steps!
  3. I was diagnosed with ADHD (Inattentive type) and started taking medication for it.
  4. We went on a beachside retreat to St. Simons Island, Georgia with other childhood cancer families.
  5. I went to my first Elevated Mother Experience (EMX) retreat with my Life Coach and some of her other clients.
  6. I went to my first Utah childhood cancer moms retreat.
  7. We went on Link’s Make-a-Wish trip to Disney World and Universal Studios!
  8. I started my blog!
  9. I’ve developed a much more consistent writing habit.
  10. I’ve been interviewed for several podcasts.
  11. I’ve lost 25 pounds!
  12. I started doing yoga (and am loving it).
  13. I’ve succeeded in getting rid of a lot of clutter.
  14. I’m more mindful.
  15. I’m kinder to myself.
  16. I overthink less.
  17. I worry less about what other people think.
  18. I’m more productive.
  19. I believe in myself more.
  20. Josh and I have more regular date nights.
  21. I learned how to change my limiting beliefs and practiced doing it.
  22. I had more prayers answered than I could ever count.
  23. I’m happier than I’ve been for a long time!!!!

Was 2022 perfect? Definitely not. No year (or month or week) ever is. In fact, as I finish writing this, both of my boys are getting over RSV, I’m SO ready for them to go back to school because I need a break, and, frankly, I’ve been feeling a bit picked on because of how often they’ve been sick over the past few months. However, last year will still go down in my memory as a major turning point in my life.

Do you want 2023 to be a turning point in your life? It can be. I know it’s cliché, and everyone jokes about New Year’s Resolutions, but this is the perfect time for you to set some goals, believe in yourself, and start creating the life you really want. Dream BIG!!

“The best time to start was yesterday; the next best time is now.”

~Author Unknown
It gets to be easy!

It gets to be easy!

This post is my permission to myself to sometimes write and post simple, short & sweet articles. As a recovering perfectionist, I often feel like I have to work on my articles for hours and hours, and they need to be amazing. Here’s the truth: 

How to Use Your Setbacks as Guideposts

How to Use Your Setbacks as Guideposts

An Unfortunate Event We’ve all had those heart-sinking moments when we can’t find something important and we briefly (or, perhaps, not-so-briefly) feel like life as we know it is over. I had one of those moments a few weeks ago. For a total of about